That's so funny--I loved the collar picture so I clicked the link. I was so surprised to see the site because I realize now this is the site of my neighbor's friend (I'm in NJ). She has two bulldogs and my neighbor has cases of the dogfood shipped all the way from Vegas! You talk about snooty!!
Well, one of my cats even wears a collar with a tag that says, "Picky Eater." My husband is in the gourmet food business and occasionally does some experimenting in our home kitchen. Our cat Bitsey loves it. Our other cat, Greenlee, just likes to watch. Whenever he's cooking, Bitsey sits on a tall chair and awaits her goodies. He cuts up little pieces of roasted lamb, etc., and gives them to her on a plate and she loves it.
One night he was cooking and I wasn't aware that he was doing anything she'd like so I put out their early dinner of Fancy Feast and half and half with some Friskies ocean fish and some Dental Diet. Ms. Bitsey Boo sailed right by and went to her "perch." Guess she was saying, "I'm having lamb tonight."
Loved your Pomeranian story. Ah, the finer things in life!