This beautiful German Shepherd is on death row because he bit a handiman, on his property, who attacked his mistress. He was defending her, something we all hope that our beloved dogs would do, and could be sentenced to death because of this...;(
I received this from my friend in rescue who is also a member of DU. I just called Governor Corzine and they appear to be aware of the case.:thumbsup:
Congo is in DANGER...AGAIN...Please help!Congo's hearing is Fri/need letters /emails /phone calls��& please spread...
Please, everyone, it is vital that you call, write, or email the judge and sign the petition by Monday (the last day you can sign it) if this poor dog, who was only doing his job, is to continue to live.
"I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man."...Gandhi
Congo is in DANGER....................AGAIN...................Please help�
Do you remember�Congo, the German Shepherd who is on death row in New Jersey?� Well, his appeal case is going to be heard on April 4, 2008!� This�can decide if he lives or if he dies!!!!Judge Mitchel E. Ostrer�will be hearing the arguments from both sides on Friday April 4th. Address is below.�
How to help:
Please write Judge Mitchel Ostrer, polite and professional, letters of support for Congo.�
MITCHEL E. OSTRER- his direct phone number - 609-571-4188
Mercer County Courthouse
209 South Broad & Market Streets
PO Box 8068
Trenton, NJ 08650
Mention in your letter or phone call that he needs to take into consideration that the laws are old and they don't take in to consideration how the dog perceived the threat. Also, there is no case law out there in NJ that has interpreted the statutes. This is the first one. Another point to use is that the last case of a dog attack was back in 1994 and the Governor then, Christine Whitman, had pardoned the Akita and he was exiled from the State. This is a last resort option so we can keep him alive.
Monday (tomorrow!!) �will be the last day to sign Congo's petition.� If you haven't already signed, please do so- there are only 170 signatures on the petition to save Congo's life! Also, please consider sending the judge an�email�in care of his Team Leader, Michael Stellwag.� We don't have Judge Ostrer's email so we can send our note to Mr. Stellwag and ask him to forward the email to the judge or�print �it and give to� Judge Ostrer- our notes should be polite and respectful, after all, this is the judge that will be deciding Congo's fate.
Also, please� contact Governor John Corzine at 609-292-6000 and ask� the governor to pardon� Congo. You can also�email him at:� ;�and where is says- Select a Topic choose- "Law and Public Safety" and select a Sub-topic, choose- "Pardons and Clemency" and fill in your information to send a note to him.� You don't have to live in New Jersey to call or email our governor.
Just to refresh everyone's memory about this outrageous case- Congo is on death row for attacking a landscaper who was told to stay off of the property until the owner could come down and put the dogs away. The landscaper(s) ignored the instructions, entered the property and Congo started barking.� The landscaper hit Congo AND his puppies with a rake and then grabbed one of Congo's owners, Elizabeth James, using her�as a shield - Congo then bit the landscaper several times- Congo was protecting his family!!!.� Congo was sentenced to DEATH (he received an unfair trial that's for sure) and when the public heard about this story and made a lot of noise, Congo's case was heard by a second judge who granted a stay of execution until Congo' date with the NJ Supreme Court.
Everyone, please help Congo by contacting the governor!� Also, please feel free to email Congo's family at��and tell Guy and Elizabeth James that you haven't forgotten about Congo.