Some of our local O8) s set up a clinic for cats and dogs to receive vaccinations against distemper, rabies (the one and three-year shots) and microchips.
I was doing cat intake...and there were about 20 dogs to every cat that came in. My youngest cat Wimsey who appears (sort of, since I don't have a camera) a lot in these threads received his three-year rabies shot and graduated to CyberCat status. I was so proud of him...he hardly complained at all, even when he got his microchip... and that needle is HUGE. :wow::scared:
He had to hang out with us for a couple hours afterwards, but with all the attention he got from the other volunteers, he relaxed, settled down, and just watched the show. I was even able to leave the flap to his carrier open unless I was doing an intake, or there were dogs off the leash. He stayed put, supervised, and even purred. That's my boy...
And now there's a dozen cats and maybe a couple hundred dogs who WON'T get parvo or distemper or rabies...:bounce: and many of their humans also got much-needed info on low-cost spay-neuter clinics as well. :woohoo: