in a lot of wedding ceremonies. I think it sums it all up pretty nicely:
The law of life is love unto all things. Without love, life is nothing. Without love, death has no redemption. Love is anterior to life, posterior to death and the exponent of Earth. If we learn no more in life, let it be but this.
I'm really blessed with good and kind furkids. Our family might not be Ward and June Cleaver, but we have peace, friendship, mutual respect, and yes, we're blessed with love.
Funny how you
just know when the right furkid has picked you. I found Ashley-Marie the day after my beloved Sadie crossed The Bridge. It's that blue flash you get when your soul recognizes another piece of itself. Even though our family was deep in grief, we knew that bringing Ashley in was the right thing to do.
Funny, I'd never heard a dog sob like a human does before. The afternoon when Sadie crossed the bridge, my partner, Dora and I were sitting on the couch, letting silent tears find their way out. Dora began sobbing; I knew her heart was breaking because Sadie was the only "mama" she knew. I've heard dogs whine, even whimper, but never before had I heard tearing sobs from a dog. Later, we all went to the shelter to donate Sadie's special food; that's when Ashley found me. There's a whole-nuther story. But having a project in helping to raise Ashley got Dora back on track with her aide-dog duties for my partner.
Funny thing, though. Ashley-Marie's kennel-name was Rasha (which I thought was pretty and exotic). She would not react to that name, nor any other except for "Sadie" or "Ashley" (my two original furkids). At that point, I couldn't bear to name her Sadie (even though now she has picked an astonishing amount of Sadie's habits, good and bad {heh!}). Perhaps by long-shot coincidence, she had been named Ashley in her original home. Either way, SHE picked out the name.