Today Gov. Schwarzenegger announced plans to institute a sales tax on veterinary services (along with auto repair, golf, and appliance/furniture repair) effective Feb 1 2009. The state has big financial problems, as I am sure you have heard, and he thinks he has found a great way to resolve it (as opposed to increasing income taxes on the richest of the rich).
Edited to add: A 10% tax on veterinary services will have a HUGE impact on the willingness of an already financially strapped clientele to bring their sick pets in to be examined and treated. This translates directly into increases risk of human infection from zoonoses. In case I wasn't clear about how this works.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revenue Problem: While Governor Schwarzenegger has worked to fix the state’s spending problem, and has kept
state spending relatively flat for the past three budget cycles, the dramatic drop in our revenue projections over the past
six weeks presents an extraordinary situation which, combined with the volatility of our tax system, creates a revenue
problem. Raising taxes is never a good idea, but in this extraordinary situation, there is no question that new revenues
must be brought into the state to protect education and vital services. The Governor is proposing $ 4.7billion in new
revenues for the current budget year in the form of:
A Temporary Sales Tax Increase: A temporary increase in the state sales tax (from 5 percent to 6.5 percent) will
generate additional sales tax revenues of $ 3.5 billion in 2008-09 for the General Fund. It will also effectively
protect significant education funding. At the end of three years, the state sales tax would revert to 5 percent.
Broadening the Sales and Use Tax to Include Certain Services: Effective February 1, 2009, the sales and use tax
rate will be applied to appliance and furniture repair, vehicle repair, golf, and veterinarian services. Effective
March 1, 2009, the sales and use tax rate will be applied to amusement parks and sporting events. This is expected
to generate additional General Fund sales tax revenue of $357 million in 2008-09.
Oil Severance Tax: Effective January 1, 2009, impose an oil severance tax upon any oil producer for the right to
extract oil from the earth or water in this state. This brings California in line with other states. The tax shall be
applied to the gross value of each barrel of oil at a rate of 9.9 percent and will generate additional tax revenues of
$528 million in 2008-09.
Increase Alcohol and Excise Taxes: Alcohol excise taxes are proposed to be raised by five cents a drink beginning
on January 1, 2009. This increase is estimated to raise $293 million in 2008-09. Revenues from this tax will be
used to fund critical drug and alcohol treatment and prevention services. Alcohol taxes were last raised in 1991.
What our dear Governor seems to blissfully unaware of is that, rather than being ENTERTAINMENT or A LUXURY, veterinary medicine is A BRANCH OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Taxation of public health measures is, well, the DUMBEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD OF.
I am so far beyond irate, I can barely type. Every time a client comes in I am acutely aware of the possibility of infectious diseases in my patients with potentially life-threatening impacts on human health. And Homeland Security even has concerns here because the majority of biological warfare agents are ZOONOTIC diseases or have significant impact on the agricultural industry.
I am asking not just CA pet owners, but people across the US who care about not just the health of our pets but the health of our fellow humans to PLEASE call Gov. Schwarzenegger's office and also your CA assemblymember and CA state senator to express outrage at his attempt to place all our lives and health in danger.
Surely there are other ways to increase revenues. This is one of the most penny wise and pound foolish ideas I have ever heard of, and I have been around the block a few times.
Guide to Zoonotic Disease - LA County Health Dept.*****"In California, over 45% of human diseases reportable to the California Department of Health Services are zoonoses"***********
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Cattle Fatal degeneration of CNS Atypical Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Vaccinia virus (cowpox) Cattle, horses Papulovesiculopustular lesions of skin of udder and teats Papulovesiculopustular skin lesions
Newcastle disease Poultry Respiratory, GI, CNS Conjunctivitis
Paravaccinia virus (milker's modules) Cattle Vesicles, ulcers, and granulomas of udder Papulovesiculogranulomatous skin lesions
Bovine pustular stomatitis virus
(orf, contagious ecthyma)
Sheep, goats Pustular lesions of mouth, vulva, eye Papulovesiculogranulomatous skin lesions
Vesicular stomatitis virus Cattle, swine, horses Ulceration of oral mucosa, feet, and teats Fever, chills, headache, myalgia
Rabies virus Dogs, cats, cattle, horses, sheep No apparent disease; death with paralysis Excitation, paralysis, death
Chlamydia psittaci Pigeons, poultry No apparent disease; death Fever, cough, pneumonia
Coxiella burnetii Sheep, cattle, goats (?ticks) No disease; rickettsemia Q fever
Ehrlichia canis Dogs (ticks) Hemorrhagic disease, death Ehrlichiosis
Afipia felis Cats, dogs No known disease Cat-scratch disease
Rochalimea henselae Cats, dogs No known disease Cat-scratch disease, peliosis hepatis, bacillary angiomatosis
Bacillus anthracis Cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, dogs, cats Sudden death, systemic disease, GI affliction Malignant pustule, gastroenteritis, pneumonitis
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Swine, fowl, sheep, fish Porcine erysipelas, polyarthritis, septicemia, endocarditis Erysipeloid
Listeria monocytogenes Sheep, cattle, rabbits, goats, guinea pigs, chickens, horses, rodents, birds Meningoencephalitis, abortion, myocarditis, septicemia, ophthalmitis Leptomeningitis, fetal listeriosis, septicemia, oculoglandular infection
Mycobacterium bovis Cattle, horses, swine, cats, dogs Pulmonary, lymph nodes, udder, GI tuberculosis, spondylitis Primarily GI, lymph node, bone, pulmonary tuberculosis
Streptobacillus moniliformis Fowl No apparent disease Fever, rash
Pseudomonas mallei Horses, mules, asses, cats, dogs, sheep, goats Nodular pneumonia, farcy, lymphadenopathy Granulomatous to pustular lesions, skin and subcutaneous; septicemia
Pasteurella multocida Fowl, cattle, sheep, swine, goats, horses, mice, rats, rabbits Hemorrhagic septicemia, pneumonia Skin ulcer, osteomyelitis, sinusitis, pleuritis, leptomeningitis
Brucella spp Cattle, goats, swine, sheep, horses, mules, dogs, cats, fowl, deer, buffalo, rabbits Abortion, lameness, mastitis, granulomas, abscesses Fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy, bacteremia, splenomegaly, osteomyelitis
Capnocytophagia canimorsus Dogs No apparent disease Fever, gangrene, meningitis, septicemia
Salmonella spp (nontyphoidal) Fowl, swine, cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, rodents, reptiles, birds, cattle No apparent disease; enteritis, septicemia, puerperal fever Gastroenteritis, focal infection, septicemia
Yersinia enterocolitica Dogs, cats No known disease Diarrhea, reactive arthritis
Campylobacter fetus Sheep, cattle Metritis, infertility, placentitis, abortion Placentitis with abortion, endocarditis, bacteremia, meningitis
Sporothrix schenckii Horses, mules, dogs, cats, mice, rats Granulomas of extremities Ulcerative, lymph-vascular, skin, subcutaneous lesions, pneumonia
Microsporum spp Dogs, cats, horses, cattle Alopecia, dermatitis Alopecia, dermatitis
Trichophyton spp
Cryptosporidium spp Farm animals, cats, dogs No apparent disease; enteritis, respiratory disease Enteritis, dysentery
Trypanosoma cruzi Dogs, cats (triatomes) No known apparent disease Skin rash, myocarditis, conjunctivitis, myositis, neurologic dysfunctions (Chagas disease)
Balantidium coli Pigs, monkeys No apparent disease in swine; colitis in monkeys Colitis
Toxoplasma gondii Cats, dogs, sheep, cattle, swine Stillbirth, congenital defects, CNS lesions Stillbirth, congenital defects, retinochoroiditis, encephalitis
Ancylostoma canium
(Uncinaria stenocephala)
Dogs, cats Anemia, dysentery, hypoproteinemia, edema, stunted growth, death of pups Itching, erythema of skin, Loeffler syndrome
Toxocara canis and cati Dogs, cats Diarrhea, granulomas in kidneys and other viscera, weight loss and stunted growth of young Granulomas in liver, skeletal muscle, lungs, brain, and eye
Dipylidium caninum Dogs, cats No apparent or known disease; chronic enteritis Abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, anal pruritus
Trichinella spiralis Swine, cattle, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, mice No apparent or known disease Chemosis, conjunctivitis, myositis, skin rash
Taenia saginata Cattle No apparent or known disease Abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss
Taenia solium Swine No apparent or known disease Abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, cysticercosis
Diphyllobothrium latum Dogs, cats No apparent or known disease Tapeworm infection, megaloblastic anemia
Dirofilaria immitis, D tenuis Dogs, raccoons, cats (mosquitoes) Cardiopulmonary granulomata, subcutaneous nodules Pulmonary nodules, subcutaneous granulomata of face, trunk, or arms
Echinococcus granulosus Dogs No apparent or known disease Space-occupying cysts in liver, lungs; anaphylaxis
Echinococus multilocularis and vogeli Dogs, wild canines No apparent disease Noncapsulated, extensive cysts, of liver, lungs