Has anyone successfully kept these? I've been trying for months. Out of a group of 8 that I was hoping to grow into a breeding colony, one is still alive, and she seems to be doing fine. But I have no idea what I did wrong with the others. Well, I have some guesses ... I don't have proof, but I think I shouldn't have fed blackworms. The first trio lived about 3 weeks on mostly live blackworms, and then very suddenly died within days of each other. The second trio got dried tubifex and live earthworms, and lived a few weeks longer (of these, my one female is still with me). The most recent 2 (I was trying to get a male for my lonely girl, and saw another nice female in the store at the same time) did not even make it a week. :(
Water conditions - I have kept them in established aquaria, as well as bare-bones plastic shoeboxes. I've been scrupulous about changing water and keeping any sort of cleaning chemicals away from the cages. Temperature has been in the 70's and 80's. I talked to the pet stores and they admitted after being pressed that even they had problems keeping this species alive - that there were usually a few dead ones in the tank every morning. And yet, I'm told they're captive-bred in large numbers in Asia for the pet store market. What's the secret??
If anyone has kept these guys, please chime in with your experience.
Just to clarify, this is the dwarf African clawed frog, Hymenochirus, not the larger Xenopus (who are indestructible).