We were planning to wait to obtain one until we got to Germany, but now I'm hearing that shelters in Germany won't adopt to Americans (this from a very reliable source, a friend of the family--also I'm seeing verification of that from internet chatter). This is no snap decision, we've discussed it for a long time, even "road-tested" a friend's dog when they went on an extended vacation--and loved it.
So now I'm considering adopting over here. I'm fairly familiar with the transport requirements/considerations, and the relocation service of my husband's employer is top-notch, so I'm sure all the i's will be dotted and t's crossed. I'm also very aware of Germany's breed restrictions and won't risk adopting a dog on thae list.
But there is still the worry over health and safety and well, everything else. I'm utterly torn. I want the dog very much--and from our travels there, we know that dogs in Germany are almost de rigeur, so I'm stewing over this.
So, do you think we should adopt over here and transport or wait and take the chance we may not be able to adopt there (which, quite frankly, would break my poor heart but seems the more humane approach!)?
Any advice is hereby wildly applauded and appreciated!