So, I'm sitting at the computer today, and there's three cats arranged on the set of shelves that were originally intended for my fabric hoard, but have become a sort of kitty bunk-bed.
"Aw man, will ya look at the time...this FARK website absolutely sucks it up like a black hole!" Click...click...I've assigned a wav file from Monty Python's The Holy Grail to 'Close Windows'.
Finnegan stands up, yawns, stretches, mrrrowps? at me and prepares to accompany me out of the room...and it occurs to me he's been doing this for quite some time now.
He recognizes this particular wav file as the conclusion to me sitting at the computer... and that now we're going to go do something else.
How much else of their intelligence and responsiveness am I taking for granted and not appreciating? They amaze and humble me...:blush: