This is the story of Aime and Smiles:
Smiles is a sweet medium sized Rottie mix that was found on some railroad tracks and had been hit by a train. Her companion was also hit and found dead beside her. Smiles was picked up by animal control and brought to the shetler where she was seen seen by a vet. The ACO named her Train.
While at the shelter, an orange kitty (Aime - now named French for "friend") was very empathetic towards Smiles and as the pictures show, she often curls up with Smiles to comfort her because she knows she doesn't feel well. The shelter spared the cat's life because it was obvious how much the two meant to each other and they were hopeful they could find a place for them together. The rescue I work with rescued took them both and will keep them together until we can find them a home together. We gave Train the much more positive name of Smiles because when she's really happy she curls her front lips and she shows you her front teeth!
Smiles has a ways to go in her recovery as she can't really move one of her front paws. We're hoping in time she makes a full recovery but right now we are unsure of the fate of her paw and she needs to see some specialists - however, she's heartworm positive and needs to be treated for that prior to any surgery. Her vet expenses will be quite high.
Amie is incredibly outgoing, LOVES attention from both Smiles and people; Smiles is incredibly sweet and wants to please and is very tolerant of all the handling she needs right now in light of her injury.
We're working on raising funds to cover Smiles' medical bills, so we can adopt them out together once Smiles is recovered.
For anyone interested in helping out financially - or adopting this amazing pair, here is their Petfinder listing: more about our rescue, you can see our website at: