Hey, I posted this awhile back:
help - 13 yr old Chihuahua having bladder trouble Thu Feb-12-09
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=243x38216Here's today's update:
I took Katie to the vet today, and the vet asked some questions and
took some blood and urine to send off for analysis:
Examination/office visit . . . .$39.00
Urinalysis . . . . . . . . . . .$25.50
Geriatric Workup (CBC, Profile).$89.00
Total: . . . . . . . . . . . . $153.50
The Doc said that Katie's urine is clear, and so that doesn't likely indicate
diabetes. Doc is leaning towards kidney problems, which Doc says can be
treated but not cured. :(
Meanwhile, Katie is feeling good otherwise.
Her current symptoms:
Drinks alot of water at night (I even took up the water bowl last night arond 8:30),
doesn't seem to drink during the day.
Pees on the carpet sometime in the middle of the night.
What I am doing -
was feeding Katie Purina One, some deli turkey and some table scraps (no onions, no chocolate).
walking or letting Katie out regularly, first thing in AM, several times a day including lunch,
always right before bedtime.
(I work at home)
Katie seemed to get worse when I switched her to Nutro Senior, and someone here at Du gave
me a link that showed many people's dogs getting sick from Nutro.
Nutro has twice the amount of zinc in it that is recommended by vets, also seems to have
had some really bad batches.
I got some Merrick brand dog food, but Katie would not eat it.
We're back to Purina One - chicken #1 ingrediant for now.
Test results will be back Monday or Tuesday.
Will post update then.