Spencer is 4 years old, and recently started pooping outside of the litter box. At first it seemed to happen only when he was angry about something (I went on a trip, there were lots of people over, etc), but now it seems to be random.
A bit of background...Spencer is neurotic. Yes, even by cat standards. He does not like to be held by *anyone*. He will let me pet him if he initiates it, but otherwise will run away when anyone tries to touch him. It does seem like that has gotten a bit better recently though. He initiates contact more often, etc.
Ok, now about the poop...when the pooping thing started, about a year and a half ago, it was clearly in response to an annoyance and he would poo right outside the litter box. He has now moved to a corner of the living room...same corner every time he does it. Before, he would always do it in the middle of the night, but a few days ago, he did it while my roommate was sitting in the same room. And, again, there no longer seems to be an obvious precipitating event. This doesn't happen every day, most of the time he's perfectly content to poo in the box. The cleanliness of the box doesn't seem to be a deciding factor.
I have deep-cleaned the corner numerous times, and there is already a Feliway plug-in in the living room (though not in that corner). Thankfully it's a wood floor, so he's not ruining carpet, and he does not pee outside of the litter box (god forbid). But my roomie is understandably fed up with cleaning poo when I'm gone and I clearly would prefer that this not become a (more frequent) habit of his.
So, my question is...any idea how to stop this behavior? Especially since we almost never actually catch him in the act?