The problem is ...early this winter saw 2 kittens hiding out behind house (landlord, who hates cats, is overseas) ...couple years ago, i got involved finding homes for several neighbor's kittens and when told the mom was a little grey, who since has disappeared, made arrangement with neighbor /owner of lil grey, to get her spaded, gave him $200, but you know what happens to fools/money! anyway... So after finding the two kittens a home early this winter, felt sorry for their moma hanging around and let her and another 'perfect stranger' stay inside for very cold weather. They both about 1 to 2 years old. On Feb 28 i came home and heard squeaks....she had given birth to 2 kittens again! (that's also why she took to living in covered litter box!) I made arrangements to get the other PStranger fixed next Sat March 7 but, as the couple who borrowed cat carrier for the kittens earlier never returned it, I tried use a cardbd box and, well she escaped clutches etc. That very afternoon 4PM SHE gave birth to 3 little angels! Lol. Anyway, ALL the kittens are already spoken for, and when both sets are 7 weeks old, they'll go to new homes, but while baby mama #2 can be handled, BM #1 acts afraid even after months of close contact, and she will need neutering mid April, in a week or so! She's a great mama, and a good clean cat, etc, but she's semi feral when it comes to people touching her, and she has to be fixed, or ....you get the pic. Anyone know any magick tricks for taming little hardcase breeder reactor kittys? She needs neutering and then a home must be found for her after she's checked.... and our money tree has got the blight ie the economic meltdown aka the gopig midas touch!