Or is he indoor and outdoor?
Hmmmm...I'm not sure I have anything helpful to share, but my first thought upon reading your post is that Benny needs a friend to roll and tumble with. Or perhaps he feels threatened by someone or something and is acting out. Are there already any other pets in the household?
I can certainly understand your desire to correct this problem and continue to have your pet with you.
Obviously there is a legitimate medical issue for the vet to have prescribed medication, although I would question the antidepressant's value after you've described its effects on the cat. There are compounding pharmacies where you can have medication made into something more tasteful for cats. If there is not one in your area, then you may be able to find one, have your vet send in a prescription and get the medication by mail, etc.
The products Feliway and Rescue Remedy sometimes help with getting cats to calm down. If you're not familiar with them, you can google them or PM me for more information. I've had limited success with both products, and with Rescue Remedy, have had more of an effect by rubbing IT into the ears rather than putting it in the water bowl as is often suggested.
As for his behaviour, are you strong enough to make him stop when he attacks? Have you tried a squirt bottle? It is not acceptable that this cat is attacking you and causing physical harm. But again, I commend you for trying to find a solution rather than having him put down.
Would it be possible to rehome the kitty as a last resort?