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My horrible story of the month

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and-justice-for-all Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-12-09 06:56 PM
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My horrible story of the month
Our neighbors had this adorable 1 year old boxer, which me and my partner came to love very much. We became slightly attached to her too. We would make special trips to the pet food center to get her some pig ears and some biscuits; we also brought her over to play in our yard and we also took her for walks periodically. All with the neighbors permission of course.

Well, the neighbor is pregnant with her second kid and due shortly, so she decided that 2 kids and a dog was going to be to much to handle and they decided to find Bella a new home. A home they say had other pets and a nice fenced in yard. So two Wednesday ago was the last my partner had seen her, When he gave her some love and a pig ear treat. I have not been able to see Bella for a little over a week due to my work schedule.

Bella was picked up on a Thursday and dead on a Friday. Some how or another, Bella got out of that fenced in yard and got hit by a car. I only found out about it because I went an asked where Bella was, I assumed she was going to tell me at her mothers, because her mom has a dog and it just made sense to me that she might be there.

What pisses me off about this is the fact that the neighbor knew how much we appreciate Bella, all the treats and toys we got for her and all the walks and play time we gave her. All out of love for her because she was the sweetest doggy and we enjoyed doing for her. But the neighbor did not even ask if we would take Bella in, not a damn word about wanting to re-home her because she was pregnant with her second kid.

We mostly likely would have adopted Bella and she would not have ran off because she was already familiar with the surroundings, which I believe she got out because she was not at her home with her people so she ran off in order to get home because she did not want to be there. I believe this, because the entire time she was next door, she never ran off and never jumped the fence.

It broke my heart when the neighbor told me what happened, was utterly destroyed inside and it still up sets me.
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Tab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-12-09 07:48 PM
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1. That's terrible

You try to rehome a dog to a better place, and it gets killed. I know that if it happened to us, we'd be devastated.
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undeterred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-12-09 10:02 PM
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2. I am so sorry that happened.
I just don't get the "fenced in yard" requirement. It seems like the idea is that people are expected to let the dog in and out of the house to the back yard and never walk the poor dog.

I rent a house with a non-fenced in yard. So, I would not be considered for many rescues and adoptions. But my dog has never gotten loose and he gets more exercise, both on leash walks and off leash at the dog park, than any other dog I know. The fenced in yard requirement is just a way of putting down people who have less.
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roody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-13-09 01:03 AM
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3. I'm so sorry. It is always a heartbreak to lose one.
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smokey nj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-13-09 07:24 PM
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4. That's really sad. I'm so sorry.
Poor Bella :cry:
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