...as I usually avoid YouTube links because they take so long to load ... this bill seeks to ban the possession and shipping of
any non-native species, on the spurious grounds that
some species have proved to be invasive when irresponsible pet keepers have released them into the wild. I'll point out that this is a vast huge minority among all the species that this bill seeks to ban. Those species include everything from tropical fish and hamsters to reptilian and mammalian exotics. There are a
few species listed as exempt (cats are technically non-native, for instance), but if this insane idea passes, it will ruin the lives of animal lovers the country over. Not to mention put in jeopardy the millions upon millions of pets who are currently being cared for.
The voting happens April 23rd - not a lot of time left to voice your opinion, and too late (unfortunately) to send a physical letter if you haven't already done so. But you can still protest by e-mail. Be rational and be polite ... point out that the vast majority of "non-native" species are not invasive or harmful in any way, and are a significant factor in the quality of life for many pet keepers. Or however you want to add your personal story and take on it. There's also the issue of pet stores and good, legitimate breeders being put out of business, and the fact that in today's world, captive breeding of many of these "exotics" may be their only chance for survival, until the world is cleaned up to such a point where the wild populations can be restored.
If you do want to click on a link, go here:
http://stop669.org/There are links to how you can directly oppose this outrageous piece of "legislation." Do it before the 23rd. Do it today. Do it tomorrow, at latest.