You don't know what the kitty went through before she got to you. The rescue probably never had her in that situation before. Unfortunately, some rescues just can't be saved. I foster dogs for a rescue, and I have had a few that just couldn't adapt. I had one little boy who was scared to death of everything, and I do mean everything. A pillow from the couch fell onto the floor, and he came into the room and stopped, and started barking at it. Something was different and it scared him to death. I put the pillow back on the couch and he was fine. The poor boy was about 8 months when I got him, and he came from a puppy mill. I worked hard at socializing him. He loved women once he got to know them, but he never accepted men. He was a great dog, I really loved him and I could do anything to him. He got along great with other dogs. My friends would come over, and one guy would lay on the floor and not move to try to make the dog more at ease. They would give him treats, talk sweetly to him, and not to anything to scare him. In the end, none of it mattered. As he got older (I had him for about 3 months), he got more agressive towards men. He actually got adopted once, got out, and I had to spend a morning trudging through the mud to catch him. The rescue finally put him down, and I really think it as the kindest thing for him. To live your life so terrified is a terrible thing. We even tried putting him on xanax to see if that would help, but it didn't. The women always loved him to pieces because he was a really sweet boy, he just couldn't accept men. I don't know what happened to him when he was young, or if it was really poor breeding, but the poor dog not meant for the real world.
I have other fosters who have been extremely fearful too. Some could overcome it, and some couldn't. One of my current dogs is another puppy mill dog. He is full of fear too, but he has gotten much better as time has gone on. And he chooses to run from something that scares him rather than stand his ground.
Don't give up on rescuing animals. When you look for your next kitty, make sure it is one that you know gets along with dogs. Rescues sometimes know. I'm sorry you went through this experience. It isn't your fault.