Some people should not be allowed to have pets. While my neighbors are good people they are clueless when it comes to pets. Several years ago they kept a dog chained in their chained link fence. He tried to jump the fence and hung himself. So they replace him with a new fence and two beautiful red golden retrievers, brother and sister. They put the dogs in the backyard with a large baby pool (for drinking water and cooling off) and a make shift shed for shade. No trees. They named them but since they never trained them the dogs didn't realize they had names. They never got walked or played with. They never get groomed. They rarely mow the yard and when they mow is about the only time they pick up the poo. They'd go on vacation and ask us to care for them and it took both me and my husband to feed them. One to distract them from the gate so the other could get in. After a week of caring for them I was ready to steal them or midnight requisition them to better loving homes. We have since declined any chance to care for them because we do not want to get in their business.
The other day the husband/owner saw me in my yard and told me that the male dog had passed away a week ago. As a dog owner myself I was concerned how? Was he sick? Yes, he'd been acting weird for a long time and they worried it would be too expensive to take him to the vet to either get a diagnosis or put him down so they let him just lay down and die in the back yard. At this point in the conversation I am utterly speechless. I told him that explained while the other dog hadn't stopped barking for a week. Yes, he said, she is lonely. I suggested she would need a lot of care since her brother was the only companionship she'd ever known, that she'd needs lots of walks (at least 45 minutes a day). He said that the kids were now trying to play with her "some" and walking her "some."
Then he presumes to ask me what I know about cats. They have cats that they keep in the house (I was surprised at that) and he said they now refuse to use the litter box and why would that be. I asked if he'd taken them to the vet, they could be sick, was the box clean? did they share or try to separate them? I could tell it was like too much information. His response was they'd probably have to get rid of them if they couldn't stop the behavior.
Last night he came over to tell me they got a new puppy. Isn't it great! Puppy is now slaved in the backyard. I'm sure he will be neglected to the same fate.
I mean, you can't afford to put one dog out of misery or even bother to find out why he's sick and dying so you buy a puppy!!! :wtf: :grr:
I just stood there and changed the subject. My husband says to just leave it alone but I am this close to giving him a peice of my mind and call the authorities.
Sorry, had to get it off my chest.