OK, so Wimsey's been gimpy for the last few days. Took him to the vet right off, seeing as how when I tried to examine him by myself, I couldn't tell "Ouch! That hurts!" from "Knock it off and put me down, dammit". We (neither my Sainted Vet or myself) couldn't find any sign of wound or swelling. In fact, as the vet was examining his leg, he relaxed, leaned against the vet and purred. Wimsey, you're a good judge of character...but what the hell is wrong with your leg?:grr:
Two days later and his limp is escalating...he's even holding his paw up when he sits down. OK, time to push the panic button. Take him down to the vet's office that's got the X-ray machine, cos he's gonna need the leg X-rayed. Diagnosis: Well-mannered cat*...with a sub-luxated elbow. No wonder he's limping and it's been escalating, poor boy. This means $URGERY. Over $1100 worth of $urgery to be precise...:wow: Fortunately I was eligible for a Credit Line (loan) to cover this...but it's gonna be so hard on both Wimsey and me after he has the surgery. He's gonna hafta be confined in a crate for 6 weeks or so while he heals. He's gonna go NUTS...and I'm gonna go nuts right along with him. :banghead:
For those of you playing at home: subluxation is when the joint is partially dislocated (in Wimsey's case it was the radius). A cat's foreleg looks very much like a human arm on X-ray except that the bones of the 'hand' are so much more delicate-looking. Very beautiful and intricate structure. This sort of injury is usually caused by a clumsy landing where the weight is taken off-balance on one leg and so knocks the joint out of kilter. I can see where that might happen; Wimsey is 13 lbs of cat. He's a muscley boy...but gravity don't make no nevermind about what mass is composed of when it hits the ground.
*I was very relieved to hear he was cooperative for the x-ray since they don't let 'parents' back there. My monsters are used to having me present when they're examined; I like to think it adds to their comfort level. It does please me when the vet compliments me on how well-behaved my cats are...lets me know I've done a good job with their socialization, even if I'm a crusty curmudgeonly hermit...
:rant: I DID NOT NEED THIS...I'm just about ready to pull a stunt like the ferrymen in the stories...you know the ones where the ferryman is disgusted with his job and the answer to the riddle is the next poor schnook who comes along and wants a ride across the river- turn the job over to HIM and walk away.
"YOU take this and cope with it. I've had enough."