:bounce: Good news! Very nice chiropractor who also works with critterfolk made a HOUSE CALL so as to take a look at my Wimsicle-boy. She was recommended by my vet, so I'm pretty sanguine about whether she's good about what she does...and Wimsey reacted very positively towards her, even while she was manipulating his 'arm'.
Seems his shoulder was kind of out of kilter, too...as well as having a few vertebrae out of alignment. She fixed those, but felt the inflammation was a bit too much for adjusting his elbow (going by Wimsey's reaction). Still, Wimsey is walking much better...more of a somewhat uneven gait than a full limp. Good news for him, too...she told me that if he's not gimping badly tomorrow he's off house arrest and can GO OUTSIDE! :woohoo::headbang:
She says she'll come by and fix his elbow when the inflammation's gone down a bit. This means that Wimsey probably won't have to have surgery and be locked up in a kennel for six weeks after all! YAY! :bounce::party:
(Also means that Mom won't have to take on $1,200 of debt from one of those usury knee-cappers credit companies... but that's beside the point.)