Four cats- Esme (female, 11 yrs old) Riktor (male, 7 yrs old) Wimsey (male, 2 yrs old), Finnegan (male, 1 yr old). All black cats, except Wimsey- he's pure white. All DSH, but in Wimsey that 'Short-Haired' coat is incredibly thick...and he counts Projectile Shedding among his arsenal (I'll swear that cat can shoot fur up to 3 feet away). All the boys show signs of having Siamese, or at least some type of Oriental genes in their background; head shape, body conformation, voice, temperament, etc.
They were all fixed BEFORE the hormones had a chance to kick in...although with Wimsey it may have been kind of iffy- he didn't come to live with me until (judging by his tooth development- he didn't have his adult fangs yet-) he was 8-9 months old. They get their rabies, distemper and leukemia vaccines regularly and on time. All get the same diet- access to a free-feed station which dispenses Diamond Active Cat. A bowl of fresh water is placed next to this daily- if not more frequently, as Esme likes to put bits of food into the water. Treats are tuna water, Greenies and catnip. Everyone is reactive to the catnip.:bounce::party: They also hunt, and Riktor and Finnegan at least eat some of what they catch (I've seen them doing this- won't swear to Esme and Wimsey, as I haven't seen them doing so). Everybody gets Cestex (anti-tapeworm medicine) 4X a year.
All this to 'splain that everybody gets the same treatment, 'K?
So...what I want to know is...why does Wimsey smell so bad? It's not just the weapons-grade farts :puke: he dispenses so generously (and yes, I can always tell when he's been to the litterbox, too).:yoiks: He himself has an odor that is different from that of the other cats-and it's really apparent when he's come in from the rain and is damp.
I thought at first when he was younger that this was just a 'kitten thing'; something a developing feline GI tract goes through. MacFeegle (who now resides by the Bridge) had it, Finnegan had it (the Deadly Farts part; they themselves didn't stink unless they'd gotten into something that did), but they grew out of it...indeed, Finnegan has grown out of it.
Wimsey's happy, healthy (now that his leg has been adjusted- thanks, guys :hug:), affectionate, curious, opinionated, stubborn when he chooses to be...in other words, a normal cat...except he STINKS. I'd rather not bathe him unless absolutely necessary; he doesn't like it, and IIRC, it didn't help much with the odor. I thought at the time it was the soap I used (Dr Bronner's) but now I'm not so sure. Anybody had experience with this sort of thing with your kitties? :shrug:
Thanks! :pals: