Hi everyone,
if you all could helpus to get the money together for the treatment of this very sweet boy we would greatly appreciate it. Please feel free to crosspost to your animal friends. Storm deserves to be helped , coming from a puppymill and being treated quite badly.
Thank you all
Hi all,
We have a dog in rescue, gorgeous Siberian husky that we were told was heartworm negative - and they lied, he's positive. Below is a "fundable" to raise money for his treatment. Please cross-post, blog, and send out to all your dog-loving friends.
Golden Hearts Dog Rescue
Thanks for thinking RESCUE!
Hi Pat,
Here is the address to the fundable.
http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2009-07-29.8179426833/groupaction_view Please forward to everyone you know and ask them to forward.
If we can get the word out someone might want to help Storm.