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Why I love them so...

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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-11-09 11:00 AM
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Why I love them so...
It's a nice day, and I've let the cats out. Baby Kitty D'Artagnan has LOTS of energy and is learning how to climb trees, chase, catch (and EAT :yoiks: ) grasshoppers, and the other cats are out at their regular business.
Wimsey (being white) is OF COURSE helping my next-door neighbor fix cars (I'm referring to the grease stains he comes home sporting on his beautiful thick white coat).
Later he'll come in and lie on the desk, taking up about 2/3 of it, (he's a BIG white cat), leaving just enough space for me to inch the mouse around, pillowing his elegant oriental head on my other hand.
He insists on contact...either touching with his paw, or lying on my arm, or foot...but IN CONTACT with me.

Finnegan and D'Artagnan both come in every now and then, just to check in, and say "Hi, Mom!"
Finn puts his front paws on my leg, stretching the left one so it looks as though he's waving. D'Artagnan just jumps up, picking across the keyboard if I don't catch him in time, and requests a cuddle.
His purr motor goes to 'eleven'.

They probably do grab something to eat...but the feeding station is in the kitchen and I'm in the computer room.
You have to go through the kitchen and livingroom to get to where I am.

They don't have to do this, but they do...and I appreciate it so much...:loveya:
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silverweb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-15-09 12:47 AM
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1. I know the feeling.
Anyone who says cats are "aloof" doesn't know cats very well.

When my guys were little, they would sleep next to me while I worked, like yours, always touching and in contact.

Now, like yours do, they come over to "say hi" and get stroked for a moment before wandering off to do whatever else.

They are wonderful companions and we are so fortunate to have them... :loveya:

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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-12-09 01:20 AM
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2. My cats sleep on my bed with me and my German Shepherd
Edited on Mon Oct-12-09 01:20 AM by BrklynLiberal
One in particular likes to sleep with her head in my hand and her paw on my arm.....:loveya:
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