It's a conspiracy, but for what I don't know. I have 4 cats: Sudi, a 1-year-old male; Isadore, a 1-1/2-year-old male; Sable, a 2-1/2-year-old female; and Mischief, an almost 18-year-old female.
The three young ones had me up early again. I'm not sure why, but they started it early this week. What has been occurring at 7 a.m. each day is this: -- Sable sits on my chest, puts her face close to mine, and meows with her little baby-girl mew until I open my eyes and then gives me her gorgeous emerald, slant-eyed "smile"; -- Izzy gallops repeatedly around the bedroom, including thumping over the bed and me in his circuit; and -- Sudi wraps himself around the top of my head, plants one paw on my forehead and snuffles in my ear, which tickles like crazy. Mischief leaves me alone, but probably only because she's sleeping herself. I've tried rolling over and putting the pillow over my head, but it doesn't help. Sudi reaches his paw under the pillow and flexes his claws, and tries to stick his nose under, too; Sable just sits on whichever side of me is up and keeps mewing; and Izzy seems to suddenly get 5 pounds heavier as he gallops over me. Once I'm up, they all move out to the living room and go to sleep, proving that they don't just suddenly want to be fed at 7 o'clock. It's some kind of evil feline conspiracy, but I'm not sure what the point is. I have been getting more accomplished earlier, so I guess that's okay, but I've also been getting sleepy during my evening work shift. For someone who doesn't go to sleep until 2 a.m., this is not a great schedule. Any ideas about what this felonious feline fellowship may be up to are welcome.