Edited on Thu Sep-24-09 01:24 PM by badgerpup
So last Saturday D'Artagnan was scheduled for 'The Procedure' at a low-cost spay/neuter clinic that was being held here in town. I was working overnight and had company staying over for the weekend.
While I trusted my guest to put the food out of reach, D'Artagnan might have managed to weasel outside and at five months, he's shown himself to be a successful hunter. He likes my guest well enough, but I wasn't sure he'd come when called...doesn't always do so even with me.
So I took him to work with me. I do overnight 'wakeovers' at group homes for developmentally disabled, so this wasn't a big issue. The house I was working has a resident queen cat, but she was out enjoying the nightlife (yes, she's been spayed!). I put some food and water out for her so she wouldn't be inconvenienced too much by having her territory invaded...and of course the house was already set up to accomodate a cat.
Their resident cat Charlie is a tabby/white shorthair. At about 10lbs, she's Large and In Charge, and the guys absolutely adore her.
So here I come in with D'Artagnan...small, black, glossy, sinuous, wavy-tailed and purring up a storm. He's OK with being held (Charlie isn't; she'll sit on YOU, but doesn't appreciate being picked up), so he gets passed around.
The LOOKS on their faces...rapt, enchanted, happy. Keep in mind they already have a cat who does like them and will sit on their laps and purr for them...in fact, she's quite insistent about it. They fell in love with D'Artagnan and now want to get a black kitten of their own...except that "Charlie wouldn't stand for it."
Something I've noticed though (finally!). I've got an mostly-black clouder...and if they're cat-people to start with, people who meet my cats tend to suddenly want a black cat of their own.
Maybe I should take D'Artagnan and Esme (the most easy-going and sociable of the bunch) out on Goodwill Tours?