OK, so it's raining, I want to go to bed. Time to call the cats to come in. THEY insisted on going out; I did warn them...:shrug:
Ascertain who's inside already. OK, there's Esme, Riktor's on the chair...and Finn's on the waterbed...it's Wimsey and D'Artagnan who need to come in. Go to the door and call.
Hear "mrrow?" but don't see a cat. Uh-oh...this is not good. Invisible Cat could indicate Hurt Cat. Call again, try to triangulate from where the mrrow? is coming.
OK, it's coming from UP...D'Artagnan is in the tree. Stand down, everything's copacetic, he does "tree" with style and panache. THUD.
OK, make that 'roof'. He does that well too, but 'tree' is usually part of the process... "D'Artagnan, come down, silly one." WHUMP.
"WHAT THE...!"
He's jumped down from the roof, landing on my shoulder. Gotta give the little guy major props; he stuck the dismount without sticking ME. Landing gear was not deployed. :applause:
I hope he doesn't make a habit of this...he's only eight pounds at the moment, but he's also only five months old. Not sure he'd be able to repeat the performance as a full-grown kitty...think he's gonna be a good-sized fellow, the way he's growing, plus he's got some Oriental in his gene pool. They tend to grow for 2-3 years before they call it good. :yoiks: Still, I'm impressed by (and grateful for!) his balance and gentleness. He's always been careful with the claws, come to think of it.
I've got some of the bestest cats on the planet...:loveya: