Y'all probably have guessed by now I love me some black cats...:loveya: I intend to have only black cats (unless 'chosen' by a cat of another color; e.g. Wimsey) for the rest of my life. Just I figure they're owed something- they've taken so much abuse throughout history. :cry:
Anyway... It's a point (of honor? pride? stubborness?) for me to NOT name a cat for its color. All my cats have 'told' me their names, in one fashion or another...
Riktor jumped on an office-type chair I was using and made it quake with the strength of his purr (he seems to have a lot of subsonics, which gives it a very 'rich' sound). "Geez, this kid's purr is off the Richter scale!" Only 'Richter' didn't feel like the right spelling when applied to this kitten...finally figured out that spelling it as 'Riktor' incorporated part of the word 'temblor'...another word for earthquake. Yeah, my mind works in very weird ways...:crazy:
Wimsey jumped up on my lap and gave his polite little maow? while I was reading Dorothy Sayers' Busman's Honeymoon... at the very INSTANT I'd gotten to the description of the Wimsey coat-of-arms. I won't blazon the whole thing, but it does include an 'argent (silver or white) domestick Catt, crouched as to spring'. Well, that one was pretty blatant...
Esme (EHZ-may) looks (and behaves) as though she's got a lot of British Shorthair in her, so she needed a British name. Came down to 'Esme' or 'Gwendolyn'. Asked her what she thought, and she responded to "Esme'.
Finnegan and D'Artagnan were more subjective. For Finn, I watched him, and after a few days the phrase 'Finnegan, begin again' began going through my head. I had no preconceptions about D'Artagnan; just one night at work, his little face SPRANG into my mind along with the name "D'Artagnan". I'll take my oath I hadn't been near anything to do with "The Three Musketeers"...including the candy bar. Figured since they both began responding to these word-sounds within two days, they approved...and this was without 'treat' reinforcement. Didn't have any on hand at the time, plus I wanted to make sure they approved the name (as opposed to the 'nom').
Know one absolutely gorgeous longhaired white cat whose well-meaning (but not-all-there:yoiks: ) ex-owner tagged 'Fluffy'. "Fluffy' was not a nice cat- aggressive/hostile with her feline roomates, hissing at people, and god help you if you tried to pet her. Her new human minions (who are very wise in the way of cats) thought she might not like her name and changed it to Czarina. You'd swear they'd traded her in on her angelic twin sister. :wow: Czarina PURRS. She's an absolute sponge for attention and an accomplished lapwarmer. While there are still a few spats with her five feline roomates, it's well within normal limits for that number of strictly-indoor cats in that size a dwelling.
They'll tell you, if you give them a chance...and methinks they do appreciate having their dignity respected.