I've got a 4-gallon BioOrb aquarium (awesome tank!) as entertainment for my kittehs that I kept a betta, Rafael, in until he passed on a couple of months ago. I was at the pet store about 3 weeks ago to buy a goldfish. The clerks were very busy, so I was hanging around the tank waiting, watching the fish to make sure he/she seemed healthy. He/she was the only fish in the tank, which can be a good thing. I was watching the fish swim, when all of a sudden, I saw something dart to the top & down again. It was a dinky African Dwarf Frog! I looked closer and there were about 5 or 6 of them in the tank. When I finally got waited on, I did an impulse buy (something I NEVER do with living creatures!) and got 2 frogs too.
I've got to say, those two little frogs are the most charming creatures I've ever had in an aquarium! The kittehs like the goldfish better, because he's a very fast swimmer and they love that. We originally named the goldfish Kramer, but now call him "Crackhead". Anyway, the two frogs, Jake & Elwood, are a riot to watch. They're a non-descript color, but they have loads of personality and are very energetic. I discovered that Jake (the larger, rounder of the two) is probably a female. I can watch them for hours. They get into these "Zen" positions that are absolutely hilarious. I feed them reconstituted, freeze-dried bloodworms, and they (and Crackhead) just love them.
Well, I just wanted to recommend them to anyone with an aquarium to consider African Dwarf Frogs. They are absolute treasures! :hug:
Anishnabe in MI