For the second time in a month, some idiot started yelling at me as I passed in front of his house with my dog. Both times, Ozzy was properly curbed. He was not in the middle of the sidewalk and he was not on anyone's front lawn. He didn't even poop (but I had "poop bags" with me, just in case). The first time, he was just sniffing and today, he stopped to pee.
Apparently, these people think the public sidewalk/curb is their property and no one is allowed to walk their dogs on it without permission. Both times, I tried explaining that the sidewalk is, in fact, owned by the town, even though they are required to maintain it. I also showed them my canvas "poop bag" holder and assured them that I ALWAYS clean up after my dog. Didn't matter. Apparently, a woman with a cane, walking a small dog is an easy target for their anger.
It's bad enough to be accosted when you're not doing a damn thing wrong, but what concerns me is that Ozzy gets upset and barks. To a dog, a stranger yelling at Mom (and him) is a threat. He has NEVER tried to bite anyone and he is not the slightest bit aggressive ... but who knows what he'll do if someone comes too close to me while yelling? He's a dog! His instinct is to protect me.
I swear ... if it happens again, I'm pulling out the cell phone and calling the police. There is no reason why I have to be harassed and/or my dog has to be provoked by some jackass with an attitude problem! :grr:
Thanks for letting me vent. :-)