1) My cats were at the time I was informed of their elevated BUN/Urea, Creatinine on a high protein diet.
With both cats the Dr recommended the Hills prescription k/d but I never had much success with it mainly because my CRF cats didn't like it. I have been told that some CRF cats can do very well on it though. I did make a diet change and only served up a lower protein choice of foods along with my homemade cat soup for their remaining time. I have a very low opinion of that Fancy Feast product. I think that the diet adjustments that I made for the CRF cats made a difference and gave us more time. Recommend you read and understand some info here at this link.
http://www.felinecrf.org/just_diagnosed.htm2) You do know that by the time you see those two elevated values from the blood chemistry panel that the cats kidney function is already way down. With both of my cats I started with sub-Qs, daily at first and then tapered them off to once every 3-4 days. Near the end I did have to return to sub-Qs every day. My Vet told me that in his experience once the cat is diagnosed with CRF its life expectancy can be sometimes only a few more days to maybe as long as 8 months at most. He said he had seen only very few approach that 8 month mark but did have one go 14 months. My one kitty which I had believed to be about 8 years old when her test results were found to be elevated did very well once I started the sub-Qs and adjusted her diet. In fact she made a real good comeback which the Dr said sometimes can happen. She did well for near 10 months when she very suddenly went down hard. She was tested in January and we had that following Spring/Summer together during which she seemed near well and was her happy little self. She never liked the sub-Qs but we did them. I don't regret making the effort and the cost wasn't much once I began purchasing the Lactated Ringer's solution and line sets outside of the Vet clinic. You can also go to the Feline CRF Support Group for help and more info.
http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Feline-CRF-Support/ 3) Sub-Qs can work like a miracle on the CRF cat and they are not at all difficult to do with most cats.
You just make up your mind to to it and maybe in the beginning get an extra hand involved with helping.
You love your cat and you can do Sub-Qs, there are harder things to do like pilling a cat. With early stage CRF cat you could possibly be doing fluids as needed or maybe once every 5-7 days along with the prescribed diet change. Retesting is very important too.
4) Will private message you later this evening about a box.
The best Cat, my Penelope - birth date not known - died 10/6/08
This photo was recorded 6 months after she was diagnosed CRF.
Got her on 10/5/04 and guessed she was about 3-4 years old at the time but possibly she was really older.
