Edited on Tue Jan-12-10 10:53 AM by MrsBrady
we gave him his own pillow to destroy over time, so he wouldn't destroy the bed or couch pillows. He knows that's his pillow to sleep on and to "kill" while we are out of the house. I wash it when it gets too gross...or throw it out once he puts to many holes in it. It's a full size bed pillow.
He is a front/lead dog by nature, so he likes to go in front of me when we walk outside or in the house. He follows or leads my husband everywhere. If I'm in the kitchen and my husband is home....I know when my husband is walking up from the bedroom because the dog is in front of him, even if I can't hear my husband walking down the hallway. We give him a job, even if it is just "sit". He feels like he's doing something. He comes from working stock, so he's got to be constantly working and busy. He has a certain chew toy that is is obsessive-compulsive with....won't stop playing with it. Some times we have to take it away from him, and give him a different toy. He has a dog door, so he can go in and out when he wants. Sometimes he likes to go outside on his own...chase bugs, birds and squirrels out of the yard. Sometimes he rolls around in the grass...sometimes he just likes to sit outside in the sun or shade.
He also runs a path in the back yard. I call it his "doggie default setting" because he was kept (he's a rescue) in a small cage for about a year when he was 3 years old. We try to limit that behavior, and make him come inside when he does that...but it's impossible to stop him when we are not looking. Sometimes he does that, and sometime he doesn't. I haven't been able to figure out what sets it off. We don't walk him every day, but we play frisbee in the back yard with him almost every day. It's a heavy duty cloth frisbee. The plastic ones last only 5 minutes.
He does try to heard the cats when I tell them 'no', as he thinks he's helping us. He does come from working stock, and he loves to go to my in-laws farm to help with the cattle. But he is so afraid of storms, due to the caging we think. We just have to constantly give him a "job" to do. He goes through a lot of pillows and very big dog chews. But that helps keep in occupied.
Our guy is a sweet, sweet boy, but many border collies are all work and not always so cuddly. He doesn't get along well with other dogs except other border collies. When he's playing ball, he's working...it's not a game to him. He'll play/work with us and his "sister" at my in-laws. Taking him to the dog park was a big mistake.
I would say give your dog something to do outside...or even inside...if you can, while you are doing the dishes and then bring him back in if you want. We don't let him bark in the back yard too much. Try to exercise him a little more, and play more games with him. Our boy is a lot of work...we have to keep him constantly entertained or busy when he's not napping.
Also he LOVES routine. Knows where we keep his toys. Thinks its time to walk when I go to the cabinet where we keep his leash. Understands English, with or without hand gestures. He's brilliant, and requires lots of attention.
I just inherited a used bread machine, and he at first thought there was someone at the door. When he's defending the house over some noise he doesn't like, I open the front door so he can look out the screen door. I pat him on the head and tell him...good boy, you scared it away. ok, thank you.....and I close the door....ok sit down here....good boy. That's the only thing that will shut him up.
And he definitely remembers the neighbor who once gave him a pork chop...he has a certain happy, squeal/bark that I noticed that he makes only when this specific neighbor comes to the door. "oohh it's the pork chop dude! yea! Hi, pork chop dude!!!! omg omg omg!!! got more pork chops????!!!!!!"
I don't know if I've helped at all. Just maybe give him some "work" to do. He's probably trying to help.