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Two cats with skin issues -- intermittent scabbiness.

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Flaxbee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 04:27 PM
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Two cats with skin issues -- intermittent scabbiness.

These two girls (Hedy and Marilyn) are from the same litter and seem to have a very different genetic makeup from their sister (Ingrid).

They're part Maine Coon, and have an entirely different body shape from the third girl from the litter (there were only three girls, brought to us by their mommacat; we kept the whole family). MommaCat and Ingrid have zero health issues (aside from slight pudginess).

Marilyn and Hedy have skin problems - doesn't seem to bother them aside from some slight itchiness. Cortisone makes it go away, but I don't want to subject them to continual steroids. Both girls also have very negative reactions to a variety of feline antibiotics.

So, I'd like to experiment with changing their diet to see if eliminating grains, or changing proteins, will help them. I can't afford allergy tests at the vet -- and the vet confided that quite honestly, tests might not determine the problem anyway - could narrow the issue down to a food allergy, but allergy to what?

Anyway - those who have experience with this issue, should I try first a grain-free diet? Or should I go for an alternate protein (rabbit, duck, venison) diet first?

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance...

(Cross-posted in the lounge)
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virgdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 05:06 PM
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1. It's very possible that they have food allergies...
I would try changing the diet to rabbit/duck/venison first and see how they react. If there is no change in the skin condition, then I would take them to the vet for an overall health check to see if there is an underlying medical condition that could be the cause of the skin scabs. Good luck and let us know how the girls are doing after the changes in diet.
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Flaxbee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-03-10 05:42 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That's what I thought, too - go for an alternate protein first
Edited on Sun Jan-03-10 05:43 PM by Flaxbee
I feed them all high-quality dry (Natural Balance, Evo, California Natural, Solid Gold). I'll switch from chicken/turkey (never feed them beef) to rabbit, duck or venison.

I've taken both to the vet and had them checked; they're healthy girls aside from the skin issues. And a cortisone shot clears them up in days, hence the conclusion that it's some sort of allergy. Before it seemed to be a seasonal problem brought on by heat or some spring allergen - the skin scabs used to go away when the temperature dropped, but not this year. Poor kitties.
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