This is almost certainly a feline herpes virus infection which is a very common infection in cats especially rescued cats like my Maddie. She is an extreme flat faced exotic short hair which further makes her more susceptible to developing this type of eye disease. With all the conjunctivitis, keratitis, and corneal ulceration she has been suffering with the Dr wants us to guard against any bacterial infection also developing in her eyes. Her immune system is most important in getting the active FHV infection into remission here. I hesitated getting her on the antiviral medications which are very costly and have instead been adding L-lysine to her food daily hopping that it can help her recover. Just this past week she is looking much better and I have new hope that her eyes can heal completely. An oral antibiotic has recently greatly helped her with is her chronic stuffy sinuses that she has suffered from most of her life. I am taking her to see the Dr tomorrow to discuss doing long term antibiotic therapy for her.
Ten cats?
I have enough that they can be hard to count at times.
Maddie here just last hour.
Notice the divot like corneal ulcer still in her right side eye although this is much improved since mid December.