I'll be rooting for Ethan and Vala. What a beautiful dog & story!
Vala has a collar full of ribbons, just like the hundreds of other dogs that will be competing next week at the prestigious Westiminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
But unlike the pampered pooches who will be busy getting their fur styled and their nails clipped before the competition kicks off Monday, Vala will be focused on only one thing: her handler.
The young man on the other end of Vala's leash is 14-year-old Ethan Miller, who trusts his life to the instincts of his award-winning dog.
Ethan, who has cerebral palsy, is one of just a couple of disabled handlers who will lead their dogs around the ring this Monday and Tuesday at New York City's Madison Square Garden. It's expected to be a sold out show.
His mother, Chris, told ABCNews.com that the 4-year-old Canaan has alerted her to her son's seizures on "more than one occasion.
Ethan Miller and his show dog, Vala, will compete in next week's Westminster Kennel Club dog show in Madison Square Garden in New York City. Miller has cerebral palsy and Vala, a Canaan dog, can sense his seizures.
(Courtesy Chris Miller)