subtitle: They really do care about me...:blush:
OK, so yesterday I was looking for something small that I'd dropped and heard 'bounce'. Couldn't see it anywhere. One of my recliners is on a 4" 'platform' to raise it up and make it easier on creaky knees...had to move the recliner AND platform. Figured I'd clean under it since I had it upended...but not just now. Back's grouching...go check out computer.
From the living room I hear Riktor's distinctive double-barreled "mrrow-row"-ing. He'd come in the window and let out what I can only describe as a kitty "WTF? HOLEE SHIT!! MOM! WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OK?" :wow:
"I'm in here, Riktor"...and he comes zooom into the computer room, purring up a storm...obviously relieved.
Then he stood over me, almost tapping his elegant little black paw while I cleaned the area and replaced the platform and recliner. "That's better!" purr purr purr....
Riktor does not appreciate changes in his environment...and rampant disorder like up-ended furniture is clear disruption.
It just humbled me that he was so relieved when he saw I was OK...:blush: