No, it's mot my cat, or even one in the neighborhood. I met "Tiny Timmy" on Facebook. He has a fan page called "Tiny Timmy's Healing Journey": is a very special kitty who suffered neurological damage from exposure to flea and tick products. From what I understand, he was bred at a place that advertises "drunk kittys" for sale for those who get their jollies out of seeing poor innocent animals stagger around. They get them "drunk" by poisoning them with flea and tick medicine from the time they are kittens. All of the cats from the "drunk kitty" breeder are dead now, save for Timmy. He was rescued by people who love animals. Under the care of his new "peeps" he is doing much better. In fact, he just turned one year old. He is still "wobbly" but he has been running and playing and having fun just like kittens are supposed to do.
But today there was a message on his Facebook page that Timmy had to be rushed to the vet because he was bleeding profusely (I don't know from where, all I know is he was bleeding). The page hasn't been updated since this afternoon. Lots of people are pulling for him, but even with the months of healing, it's hard to say what toll those horrible products took on this little cat's body. He and his "peeps" have done a great deal of research about the dangers that these products pose to pets. I only hope he will pull through this and continue to educate those of us who had no idea about this problem.
Here's a link to his "chip-in" page with the story of his early life and how his new "peeps" found him (as well as some videos of his healing journey): send prayers or vibes to Tiny Timmy tonight! :cry: