OK, so yesterday was Torture The Kitties day...or that's probably how they saw it.
Esme needs a bath every so now and then...despite the fact that she LOVES being brushed and gets brushed regularly, her fur starts feeling greasy and she has very noticeable dandruff...and...well, let me put it tactfully and say that she'd benefit if cats could use toilet paper for something besides shredding. She IS a shorthaired kitty, but her hygiene isn't always as good as it could be.:yoiks:
So, Bathtime For Esme. I clip her claws first, and then off to the races kitchen sink. She grudgingly enjoys the warm water and 'brushing' sensation during the scrub (purrrr)...but she really DOES hate getting and being wet. Get her mostly dried off and brush her to help put her fur in order...she'll be OK and it's time to take D'Artagnan to the vet. He's been shaking his head a lot...I go to scritch his ears and he shakes his head as though they bothering him. I can't SEE any problem- they look nice and clean, but there could be something going on deep where I can't see...better check. Can't find the bottom to ANY of the carriers. "OK, kiddo, looks like you get to ride loose in the car." He's usually OK with this- I suspect he enjoys 'going for a ride' now and then. He's no fool though...he KNOWS where we're headed and starts meowing when we're about half-way there. I KNOW he knows...rain yesterday and a lot of moisture in the air- scents are stronger, and he was making the 'scared kitty' smell.
He didn't appreciate having his ears cleaned (they were OK)...and THEN as a further torture he had to hang out with the vet for an hour or so while I finished my errand run. I don't like to have to circle back or ping-pong across town...out ONCE, getting everything done during that circuit. I left my jacket with him so he'd know he wasn't being deserted...and the rain held off. Told him he'd get catnip the minute we got home...and he did. :bounce:
Why "I AM NOT WORTHY!"? You'd think that I'd be shunned or gifted with Poopy Shoes after this sort of affront to their dignity. Nope....Esme was just waiting for me to make a lap so she could pop up into it. D'Artagnan made a POINT of hanging out very close to me for the evening- he's not a lapcat, but he stayed within a 6' radius...and all the poop etc. has landed in the appropriate receptacles.
This trust they give me is such an incredible GIFT...even if I'm doing something to them they don't like, or that frightens/hurts ('hurts', not 'injures') them, they still permit me to do so...and they don't hold it against me afterwards.
Only word I can find to describe this is humbling...:blush:...and at least do my best to BE worthy.