A local (Northern VA) rescue group, Tails High, has set up a web cam of more than 10 kittens currently being fostered in one home.
http://www.tailshigh.org/To watch the kittens, open Windows Media Player (from your computer), press “ctrl+u” and paste this address into the box: Mac users (WMP isn't supported for most Mac systems), here are detailed steps using VLC player:
1.Download the free VLC player from www.VideoLan.org (if you don't already have it).
2. Open VLC. The "VLC media player" window should open.
3. Go to the File menu; pull down to "Open Network" (fourth menu item).
4. You will get an Open Source window. Go to the Network tab (it's the third) and open it.
5. Next to "URL", type in You can also copy and paste this.
6. Hit the "Open" button at the lower right.
7. The "VLC media player" window should begin loading the image˜you'll see a candy stripe moving below the URL in the VLC media player window. This lasts a LONG time (more than 4 minutes). The URL should appear in the Playlist lower in the "VLC media player" window.
8. A new window will open with the webcam on the kittens. It is pixelated at the beginning but clears the image itself within a minute.
9. To enlarge the window, hit the cancel button on the Open Source Window, then drag the enlarging stripes on the lower right hand of the window.
10. If you want to save a quick link to return later, go to Save Playlist at the bottom of the File menu. Save it as an XSPF file. You'll need to give it a name and save it where you can find it again, such as your Desktop. An icon will be created. When you close and reopen VLC, then click on this XSPF file icon, it automatically begins loading the file. If you do this, when you play, under "Playlist" in the VLC media player window, you'll see "Playlist" rather than the URL.
As you know kittens sleep a lot, so you may need to check back frequently!
Have fun!