I work nights. LIKE it that way, set it up that way. Cats have to stay in on the nights I work...makes me feel better because I know my monsters are safe, sheltered and have access to food and fresh water. Although the food doesn't worry too much for one night...they're 'healthy' and are all successful and accomplished hunters if they decide they want a snack...and I've seen them snarf down spiders and other bugs. Ewww...but it's protein, right? :shrug:
So I'm getting ready to leave. Esme and D'Artagnan are in. I've cleverly put down their usual apology/bribe dinner... tonight it's (lemme look here...) "Sea Bass and Shrimp". Good, they all like that...and I hear snarfing noises from the kitchen. Call in the other two... "WIMSEY! RIKTOR" Riktor comes sauntering up the sidewalk. He's got all the time in the world. "Come ON, baby, Momma's got to go to work!" Oh dear, there's a spot on his back that needs attended to RIGHT NOW (lick lick lick)... "Riktor, COME ON!" He looks around, enjoying the nice weather we're having. :banghead: I pull out the treat jar and rattle it. Now, the thing about the treat jar is that I DO NOT TEASE. If the treat jar comes out, treats are forthcoming. Same with the catnip jar. Ironclad rule. Only time this rule gets broken is when the jars come out and either A).there are no cats present or B). the jar is empty and is being taken out to be re-filled.
The rattling gets Riktor's attention alright...but he's upping the ante- he's holding out for catnip. DAMN...I had to do this last night, too...put catnip down before he'd come inside...whoa. Wait a just a cotton-pickin' minute here.
It wasn't just LAST night that Riktor had held out for catnip before he'd deign to come inside... he did that last time I had a night shift too. Can't remember about the time before that, but still... I give him a Look. "Riktor-pye, I love you, baby. Here are your choices. You can come in and have treats and dinner, or you can be stuck outside all night, because I have to go to work NOW. I am NOT going to put down any catnip for you." I hold the door open for him. "One...two...." He looks at something going on across the street (that I can't see, but apparently HE can). "Fine. You don't want in. Be careful, baby, I'll see you in the morning." I head off for work...leaving Riktor with a rather surprised expression on his furry little face. "Hey, wait a minnit. THAT'S not how it's s'posed to go, Mom- you're s'poseta put down catnip for me, and THEN I come in...remember? MOM!"
He was glad to see me this morning...and I was glad to see him...but he still didn't get any catnip. :evilgrin:
Honestly, people...we do not give them enough credit for how much they understand abstract concepts and how well they've got us trained. :hide::yoiks: