Wimsey and Esme both LOVE to be brushed...:loveya:...which is good, since they both have shedding issues. Especially Wimsey...his dense, thick undercoat gives him one of his Kitty SuperpowersTM...that of Projectile Shedding. I know I've said it before, but he really CAN shoot fur up to 4' away. :wow: White, clingy fur that gets into and sticks to everything. :banghead:
Anyway, Friday night was Hair Night at chez badgerpup. The 'stripe' in my hair was getting noticeable :hide:...time to break out the Clairol, H2O2, and the rubber gloves. I always give my hair a really thorough brushing before starting the dye process and as usual, the sound of the brush attracts Wimsey and Esme.
"Why are you brushing YOUR hair, Mom? You've got a perfectly good ME here to brush! You don't have to put up with 2nd best!"
It even got a bit heated tonight...they BOTH wanted brushed and there were a few swaps exchanged (no pun intended there, honest! :blush:)...although none of them connected.
"Tell ya what, kids. Let me finish my own hair, then I'll brush you guys, 'K?" I don't know how much they take in of what I say to them, but they do stop the spatting and wander off.
****Image of clock with minute hand whizzing around enough to move hour hand ahead one hour****
Wimsey's right there, and apparently he's not forgotten my promise. I grab the boar's bristle brush (BBB). He's REALLY been shedding, and while the wire brush does a good job getting the loose fur out, he can't tolerate much brushing with it. I remember that the BBB (honest, it really IS made with boar's bristles! :thumbsup: ) works better when damp for this purpose, so I grab the spray bottle I was using for the iron. Splish splash- OH DAMN. :banghead:
I'd forgotten I'd put some tincture of lavender (alcohol in which lavender leaves had been soaked) into the water so stuff would smell good while I was ironing and afterward. Oh well...:shrug:...let's give it a try anyway. I did promise him I'd brush him, and if he doesn't like it, he'll just walk away, right?
Wimsey likes the BBB anyway...but putting the lavender water on it was apparently just what Bast had ordained. He stretched. He relaxed. He PURRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrred. He even let me brush his furry furry tummy, which had NEVER happened before...and the expression on his face? Pure bliss. Ecstasy. One very happy kitty. This made ME very happy too, as you can guess. :)
Something else... Every now and then I had to clean out the brush...and the fur coming out of it was noticeably dirty. This phenomenon never happened with the comb or the wire brush. Wimsey's coat began to take on the gleaming, almost 'sparkling' appearance that it has after he's had a (very rare) bath. White cats don't azackly shine, but they do certainly reflect the light... they can look almost luminscent from certain angles...like they're lit from within.
Twenty minutes I'm brushing Wimsey, and he's still not done being brushed; he wants MOAR!. I remember something they told me at Petsmart...it's possible to brush a cat bald because their fur is 'designed' to release easily. It'd take quite a while to brush Wimsey bald...but my arm's getting tired and besides, brushing him unto baldness was NOT the point of the exercise.:eyes:
Wimsey looks good, and probably feels better having all that loose fur gone (and his coat thinned a little bit). I'm going to try the lavender water on Esme, see what she thinks. I just hope all the other cats don't laugh at Wimsey because he smells like lavender..."Girly-human-perfume-cat!" :rofl:
They probably won't laugh twice...he's 14 lbs of mostly muscle with big claws and sharp teeth to back it up. Don't let his pink-and-white color scheme and lavender scent fool ya...he's one kick-ass kitty. B-)