In a little less than a month from now I'll be moving to a new house. I already have a 7 yr old female cat, so when my current apartment situation collapsed and I needed to find a new place, finding a place that accepts cats became a key, if not THE key, criteria. So I have found a place, owned by a girl, let's call her Jane, who already has a cat. Her current roommate, who's leaving in a couple weeks, also had a cat. Those cats didn't get along. The roommate's cat fought constantly with Jane's cat. They managed to work out a situation of keeping the cats seperate all the time by keeping one of them in a room while the other had free range of the house and then would switch off.
So what's the best way to introduce MY cat to Jane's cat and avoiding the situation Jane had with her last roommate's cat? A month from now, when I move in and bring my cat, do I immediately lock my cat in my bedroom for a few days and make the introductions gradual? Or, with my cat still in the carrier, put it on the floor and allow Jane's cat to come near?
My cat is fairly even tempered. She came from a shelter where they let the cats roam free and she had no problem with all the other cats, though she didn't really play with the other cats. At home now, she's the only cat and I have noticed that when she sees another cat outside, she gets all puffed up and will growl and hiss until the outside cat leaves. So it's kind of a big mystery how she will react to going into another cat's territory.
What's the best way to introduce her to this new environment?