Here's little "Spike:"
Miss Alpha finally decided he might be tolerable:
The Big Baby goes along with whatever, and just wants things in order. The three make quite a pack:
So things went better today. Alpha gently asserted herself, and Spike now realizes he's got a place, and it's not "boss." Alpha is reassured. Big Baby is being a baby, but doing okay.
Spike is a bit of a brat. I think he was badly raised by his original family, and they gave him up because he's difficult as a result. But he's made huge progress in 24 hours.
I'm feeling a bit of "buyer's remorse," though -- is this normal? A lot of it is that I did intend to get a teeny tiny eentsie weensie barely-there dog. I promised myself and Stinky that we wouldn't get the first dog we saw. We saw him and he was sooo cute, happy and healthy. We did go to see another dog I was interested in afterwards, who's still a puppy, and decided we didn't want to go through the baby gates, house-training, etc.
This guy's almost as much trouble... He's not as small as I'd have liked.... but I know it's not like taking a t-shirt back to Kohl's. (It is about at the point where everyone else is saying, "You wanted him, YOU go stand out in the rain with him!" Not quite, but close to it.)
I guess I want reassurance that I haven't made a mistake...? (Plus any and all reasons why a teensy dog would not have been such a good idea?)