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some of you may have seen a post about the dog I rescued

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MrsBrady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-13-10 06:53 AM
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some of you may have seen a post about the dog I rescued
Edited on Sat Nov-13-10 06:55 AM by MrsBrady
in any event.
Short version, more updates later...

she's got full vet treatment, etc.
treating her for bad case of worms and a topical skin bacterial yeast infections (not mange) and then she will be fine, surprisingly.
She was also flea infested. Not now since our vet visit, but those bites are healing up too.

she smells sooooooo bad, though. The vet gave me some topical shampoo to use on her once a week. She's had her first bath.

I know her insides and outsides are all out of sorts and will be better in a few weeks.

However, she still smells really bad. Not the regular healthy dog need a bath smell.
It smells up the whole house. And my car still smells like her after 3 car rides in a week.

Is there something I can give her, short of a bath that would help? I was thinking maybe adding mint or parsley leaves to her food? I didn't know if that would help or not.

I'm not looking for medical advice. I have a vet, just wondering if anyone has experienced this problem. Did you find a solution? or do we just have to wait it out??

Burning candles is a possibility, but only masks the scent....doesn't really get rid of it. I don't want to put anything else on her skin as it might aggravate it.
They gave her a cortisone shot to relieve the itching temporarily...which has helped some.

Anything for the smell?
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MiniMe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-13-10 07:48 AM
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1. It is from the yeast infection of the skin
I fostered a dog once who had that problem, and he smelled really bad. I took care of him for a week or so when another foster went on vacation. He was a really sweet dog, and very good, but I couldn't wait for them to get back because I couldn't stand the smell. It cleared up when his skin did, but I know what you are going through.
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-13-10 01:51 PM
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2. It sure could be a yeast infection...
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TorchTheWitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 06:16 AM
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3. it's the skin infection
My dog has been battling a stuborn skin infection since May that's bacterial rather than fungal, but bacterial infections stink, too. He's going to the vet again about it this afternoon. I'm convinced this is a result of environmental allergies since the worst of it has been in the spring and fall. Despite the shampoo and the antibiotics which did absolutely nothing he improved a lot during the summer, but it never went completely away. If this is indeed allergies than he needs something for the allergies to stop all the scratching and chewing that's the root cause of the infection. Frankly, I think the shampoo used once a week just made things worse by drying his skin out too much thus causing more irritation and thus more scratching and chewing... he actually seemed to improve once the baths stopped.

The smell will go away as the infection goes away. Anything you put on her to try masking the smell might very well aggravate the skin problem. I wouldn't do anything about the smell without consulting the vet. It's just a smell. Live with it until the infection goes away rather than risk trying to mask it and making the dog's situation worse.

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