I thought I shouldn't just blurt out my question in the title.
My 5 1/2 year old neutered male springer spaniel has suddenly started having a lot of spontaneous erections in the past week or so, several times a day.
He was neutered at about 5 months, and this almost never happened until now. Also, no behavioral problems of a sexual/dominance type -- no mounting or anything like that, never ever. So far, no signs of that happening.
I haven't noticed any changes in overall health or behavior, no other medical issues of any kind except for a recurring skin condition that comes and goes and has been treated with antibiotics of various types.
So, now I'm worried and my mind is wandering to all kinds of things that could cause hormone levels to rise, like certain cancers. Or some kind of urological problem maybe?
Luckily, we are due to go for the annual checkup in about 2 weeks, so if it persists I will ask the vet about it.
Any thoughts on this?