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"Mom! I'm BORRRRED!" (true D'Artagnan story)

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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-20-10 05:00 PM
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"Mom! I'm BORRRRED!" (true D'Artagnan story)
OK, so it's the middle of November and we shouldn't be surprised when we get cold and snow...
s'why it's called WINTER, right?

The boys are used to being outside for the greater part of the day (Esme is a mostly-indoor kitty by her own choice, but she's been getting her fair share of bunny and gopher as well, judging by the shiny softness of her coat).
The boys are used to spending the occasional night outside, too (read: 'Sometimes they don't come when they're called, and I have to go to work NOW, so they're stuck outside until I get home in the morning') and have places to shelter in case the weather is not to their liking.

The weather is not to ANY of our liking at the moment; 13 degrees, snow coming down, just enough wind to bite. The boys mob me at the door when I get home, then stop like they've hit a brick wall.

"Whoa, :wtf: !"

This was NOT what they'd ordered, and they really want to know why I don't do something to FIX IT forthwith immediately right NOW.
"Sorry,'s above my pay grade."

Esme at 12 yrs is, as stated a mostly indoor cat by preference and has no trouble with this.
Riktor, at eight years is an old hand as well. He's seen winter before and can deal with it. Wimsey will be four in January, so this isn't azackly his first time at the rodeo either.
Poor D'Artagnan however is getting a double whammy. It's not exactly his first winter (he will be two next April), but it will be his first as an adult with his own schedule, who has grown accustomed to having the whole Great Outdoors as his territory. D'Artagnan also has an awful lot of Oriental in his gene pool- judging by his lean, muscular, long-legged panther-y build and triangular head with its long broad nose. This means he's a very high-energy kitty. He's also very dynamic...even when (rarely) standing still, he gives the impression of a coiled spring about to BOING into action.

He is getting bored out of his furry little skull. He goes out for maybe five minutes, then he's ready to come in for dry mittens and cocoa (figuratively speaking- he does NOT get hot, cold, or any type of chocolate)...for about half an hour.
I get tired of playing "Offside" (game where cat is always on the wrong side of the door), and if D'Artagnan is inside, he tries to either 'play' or pick a's tough to tell which...with one of the older cats. They don't appreciate it.
Right now, he's looking at me beseechingly with his paws on my leg ( he is always so careful with his claws! :loveyou: )
"Mom, there's nothin' to DO! I'm BOORRRRED!!"

Anybody have any ideas on this?

The Bored can sorta see his musculature under that sleek, shiny coat and I thought this pic gives just a hint of his dynamic, always-in-motion, spring-into-action aura.
Such an energetic Baby Kitty...:yoiks:
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Nov-21-10 09:51 PM
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1. OMIGAWD. He is gorgeous!!!!!!!!
I do not have any ideas..but perhaps you will find something of value at one of these sites...
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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-22-10 06:29 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thank you!
I think he's rather handsome meself, but I'll cop to being biased...:loveya:

I got out some of his old toys (catnip mousies, 'disembowler'*, jingly balls and his 'kill', along with several scraps of shearling hide) and tossed them around for him to find and play with.

What he (and the other cats) seem to like best though is the interactive version of the 'kitty newspaper'...leave the window open just a crack so they can hear and smell what's going on.

Luckily the window is on the sheltered side of the house, so there isn't too much of a draft...and they don't really want to go out all that badly when they can monitor from their window seat.

*Disembowler: a cat toy that is long enough for them to hold, bite, and kick at fiercely with their hind legs all at the same time. I make them sort of rat-shaped with a jingly bell on the nose and stuff them with batting and catnip.

D'Artagnan's "kill" started out as a scarf I was crocheting out of eyelash yarn (that stuff is an absolute BITCH to work with :banghead:)...he got hold of it when it was about 8" long, played with it, ruined it.
I tied it off and said "OK,'s yours now." He tosses it in the air and carries it around like a trophy.
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-23-10 12:07 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Maybe they would like something like this..
Edited on Tue Nov-23-10 12:20 PM by BrklynLiberal

I have seen other varieties as well...where it is a "bubble" of plastic that gets fixed into the open window, and the cats can actually be "outside" and watch what is going on..without actually being outside.

EDIT: Found a great one HABIKAT!!

but you can get the idea....

The HabiKat allows your cat to enjoy fresh air & a panoramic view of the outside while staying safely indoors. Installs in double hung windows similar to a portable air conditioner. Acrylic "windows" are treated to protect your cat from the sun; bottom is lined with plush carpet for comfort. There are also ventilation holes to allow air to circulate comfortably; holes can be plugged during cold weather or when unit is not in use. Easy to assemble and install, all you need is a screwdriver. Measures 18"D x 23 1/2"L x 14"H; holds up to 45 lbs.

* Soft Washable Pad (included)
* Sits Outside Window
* 3 Sided View Gives Your Pet Panoramic View
* Provides Fresh Air and Sunlight
* Installs in double hung windows locking unit in place
* Durable
* Sturdy Polyethelyne construction
* Easy to clean and install
* Protective safety locks
* Safety tested
* 45lb. Maximum

DAYUM! found this on Amazon, but it is "currently not available."

Maybe you can make something like this yourself...
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