Let me preface this by saying that in the 4 years we had this wondrous being in our lives, it was a constant, never-ending battle to keep her inside! Every time a door opened, even for a moment, she would pounce at the chance for an adventure. My husband, son & I were constantly warning each other, "Watch out, here she comes, she's right behind you, hold her for me while I go out," etc. Let me also say that we run a kitty-centered home with every creature comfort, so there is no way she was miserably treated and needed to escape! Our two cats are like children to us. Every once in awhile she would escape, but she would return after a short adventure around our home. She knew her way back. She'd had outdoor adventures prior to our adopting her.
(She's the kitty in my sig line, isn't she lovely? And terribly clever... she loved to play fetch, just like a dog.)
On the afternoon of Jan. 5th, she escaped through the garage. My young son & I searched in the immediate vicinity of a few houses, but couldn't find her. I was sure she'd return that night, so I stayed up all night waiting. By the time the sun came up, I was sick with worry, and I've been miserable ever since.
It will be 6 weeks tomorrow, Feb. 16, since she left. In that time, I've done everything possible to get her back. Our township doesn't allow posters, I'm only allowed to have a large sign in my yard. Luckily, I am at a corner that is somewhat frequented by half people in our subdivision. I printed flyers to hang on every doorknob. I've placed ads in the local paper, posted signs in vet offices & pet stores, posted online at about 15 places. I walk the area several times a day, have combed through some neighbors' yards (and mine), I've emptied vacuum bags out into the garden, I've put her litterbox in the front garden bed, along with items that have her scent and our scents on them, her bed is on the front porch, I put out stinky food every night... it's a full time job! The problem is the time of year: we've had numerous heavy snows, temps down to zero, ungodly wind chills. If it were summer, people would be outside, they'd be in touch with their yards, it would be easier to notice a stray.
The cat has a breakaway collar with my phone number on it, plus she is micro-chipped. The fact that no one has contacted me despite these identifiers makes me fear the worst -- it means she has not yet come into human hands. At the same time, it could be that someone has her, but she's lost the collar and they simply have not taken her to a vet yet. It doesn't always cross a person's mind to have a cat scanned for a chip.
Everything I've read on the subject says that cats do not travel far, especially in the snowy wintertime, and that it is highly likely she is close by. I also know that she is smart, and a good huntress, and there are a thousand places for her to shelter herself.
But I'm at a crossroads. I've got this sign in my yard for 6 weeks... a desperate person in denial of the obvious? At what point do I remove the sign? At what point do I admit that this beloved cat is not coming back, and move forward? What amount of time is fair? I've read many stories of cats who return months later, but I notice that those stories never include blizzards in them. The realist in me is struggling with the sentimental sap whose grief is deep and at times overwhelming. I've cried a thousand tears and am emotionally raw. I swear I will look for this cat for the rest of my life, she was my daily companion who did just about everything with me.
Have any of you ever been in this situation? At what point did you decide to get on with your life and let the pet become a part of your past? It's a heck of a way to start the new year, I feel that at some point I am going to have to get into 2011! Thanks for reading this, and thanks for any words of advice.