New Cat, featured in a number of my previous posts, has for some time carried out a program of eating as much as possible, including pushing Old Cat away from his food and eating it. As a result she has become chubby, solid, large in the mid-section, but not lethargic. As a result, I have placed her on a red dot diet. The red dot is kept in a drawer in my desk; her favorite drawer. I take it out, and the red dot is projected onto the ground, and moved back and forth, for short or long distances. This causes New Kitty to go nuts and chase and attempt to catch it, which cannot be done, since it is light only, promoting more obsession with catching it. I have started to do this as many times a day as possible. But not too much, since she gets quite winded quite fast. Hopefully, this will put the extra food to reasonable use, other than just obesity. dc