This all started on Friday. I took Leo for a walk. I was checking out a house that I was asked about (long story there) so I decided to take Leo with me. We were enjoying a great walk and Leo was getting spoiled with belly rubs and pets. A dog, a Shibu Inu, came out of nowhere and decided that Leo didn't belong. She went after him. I pulled on the leash and poor Leo ended up doing a back flip landing on his back. Leo has had issues with IVDD (Invertebrate Disc Disease) which required surgery back in January. So what the Animal Control Officer said was that should Leo develop issues that they wouldn't upgrade the charge. I don't get it...If Leo has another occurrence as a
direct result of this attack why wouldn't they upgrade the charge? Just because he had surgery before should be taken into consideration with this attack. So far he seems okay but it took 3 or 4 days for symptoms to show.
Leo after his surgeryLeo Now