It was raining the other night, and the boys were kept inside by the weather... their choice, not mine. They didn't look too happy, so I distributed catnip- can't go wrong with catnip with this crowd.:bounce: They licked it up, rolled, purred and enjoyed their buzz.
OK, that's about a half-hour gone, it's still coming down pretty hard, and the boys are looking bored and giving me the "Entertain us, why don't you?" look.
OK...I find the old favorite cat toys...jingly balls, disemboweler, bat-about, crackly butterfly...stuff I've seen them enjoy in the past.
"Here ya go, guys...knock yourselves out."
The LOOK I got...whoa. :wtf: Not only had I committed a MAJOR kitty faux pas, but apparantly I had insulted their intelligence.
"We are not babies anymore, lady. We are tertiary PREDATORS, obligate carnivores, meat-eaters, top-of-the-food-chain, accomplished and skilled HUNTERS. And you offer us...TOYS?" :nuke:
They grudgingly accepted my apology and took their snotty-ass royal selves outside soon afterward.
After all, what's a little rain to such wild mighty predators such as they? :eyes:
They came in about a half hour later, damp, disgruntled, and slunk off to their various 'bedrooms' while pretending I wasn't there. Riktor had the hardest time of this part of the performance, since he chose to sleep in my lap...
...or maybe it was me, trying not to laugh.
Cats...:shrug: Ya gotta love 'em. :hug: