I'm also convinced they understand a whole lot more than we can even imagine. My dogs always understood when I was sad or upset or angry (not at them) or didn't feel well or whatever. I think they know a whole lot more about our emotions than we do ourselves and respond accordingly. I've always spent so much time watching my dogs that I learned so much about the most subtle of body signals that show they understand things and body signals that show they either don't give a crap, annoyed that we aren't getting over it already and various levels of sympathy. They may not know what it is that is causing us to feel as we do, but I'm certain they know we feel what we do and respond in various ways (sympathy, apology, grudging patience with our mood, sick to death of our mood, etc.).
I've always used my dogs as a barometer of judging mood or character of someone else, but with the last dog I started also using him as a barometer to figure out what I was feeling myself since sometimes you know you feel something not good but can't seem to put your finger on what it is (am I sad, depressed, ill, anxious, etc.?).
I also think some dogs are more obvious about their subtle signals than others. I think the last one was wheres the one before seemed a lot more stoic, but that could be that his signals were just so much more subtle I couldn't always tell what they meant or didn't recognize they were there.
I really think a lot of animals are vastly more intelligent than we give them credit for mostly because our methods of communication are so incredibly different. It's actually pretty unfortunate that humans have relied so long on spoken language that we don't even know how to recognize the subtle body language of our own species anymore and what they mean. I find I sometimes wonder if animals think humans are unbelievably stupid creatures because of this.