Three years ago, when I lived in NOLA, I read an article from my vet on the number of injuries to paw pads that dogs and cats get each year during the summer. Most are not life-threatening, but they can be dangerous and quite painful. I am very aware of it because I have small dogs and I also walk around barefoot everywhere. Here in Oklahoma, the temps are above 100 and the sidewalks, even the "whitetops" are HOT! I burned my feet yesterday when I was walking to the mailbox because I didn't think about it. So, take care of those little critters with the furry feet when you take them on walks, either do it early in the morning or walk them in the grass. If you aren't sure, take your shoes off and walk barefoot for a few minutes and see how comfortable or uncomfortable it is. Just thought I'd pass it on as I stare at the callous on my burned foot! LOL!